Well, I guess it’s time to “Cross Platform” to generate more traffic
Written on September 10, 2013 By Tony in General Gun Stuff
I probably grumble a lot about technology for someone who makes a living from it, but I really don’t much care for social media and the various social engineering exercises that so many of the people involved with it have resorted to.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand the value to analytics to a marketer, I just don’t like being subversively led into a shearing pen with the rest of the interweb sheep.
Sometimes however, the soc-web can be handy for getting the word out about things. As a result, I have officially started the Youtube “I Own Guns” channel. I haven’t uploaded anything yet, but expect to start seeing videos from time to time as I have the chance to shoot and edit them.
And don’t worry, my goal will be to make every video a gun related video.
At some point in the future, when someone is actually reading this, the link to the channel (that by the time you’re here, should actually have videos) is Here.